We provide international tax compliance advice. We assist non compliant individuals and businesses to properly and accurately file income tax returns and information returns. Furthermore, we assist with filing information returns for U.S. beneficiaries of foreign trusts, U.S. recipients of foreign gifts, U.S. persons with foreign bank accounts or foreign financial assets, U.S. shareholders of foreign companies, foreign shareholders of U.S. companies, among various other required filings. We also assist with FATCA compliance certifications and documentation for foreign financial institutions, trust companies, investment companies and other entities required to comply with the regulations.
We review and analyze tax treaties for both inbound and outbound business transactions.
We file for withholding tax refunds for non US persons selling US real property. We also provide planning to the non US person prior to purchasing the US real estate to avoid US estate tax and provide the non US person with the lowest income tax rates available when the property is sold.